Notes from the edge of civilization: Mar. 3, 2024
Wall Street "Whiz Kid" makes dire economic prediction; mainstream media stokes class conflict; manipulated science; and more!

US national debt has been accelerating so rapidly in recent months that more than $1 trillion is being added every 100 days, according to a CNBC news report out this week.
As a nation we now owe over $34 trillion in debt, which equals roughly $100,000 for every man, woman, and child in America.
That spiraling national debt is one of five key factors veteran investor Peter Grandich says will lead to the country’s imminent downfall. In a stark statement issued this weekend, Grandich warns that America is heading into a period of unprecedented economic, social, and political upheaval:
“Today I’m issuing the most urgent forecast of my professional career,” said Grandich. “It is no longer a question of if, but when. Within 3 to 5 years at the most, I predict America will be struggling through its worst-ever economic, social, and political era. It will make the Great Depression look like a walk in the park.”
With 62% of U.S. consumers living paycheck-to-paycheck and household credit card debt at record highs, Grandich says people must “prioritize the preservation of capital versus capital appreciation opportunities.”
Watch an earlier conversation with Grandich below — and stay tuned for a follow-up coming very soon!
The social and political upheaval Grandich sees ahead appears inevitable, and mainstream media is apparently intent on stoking the flames. Drunk on the dregs of their remaining grip on influence, it looks like they want to use the threat of a potential Trump victory to foment violence of any kind: race, politics, urban/rural, blue collar/white collar, class.
In the words of Matt Taibbi: “This week in undisguised class hatred: the New York Times and MSNBC slobber over a new book on the domestic threat”
The book is called “White Rural Rage” and its authors say rural whites are racist, xenophobic, conspiracy theorists who have a “tenuous” commitment to the American model of democracy.
Paul Waldman, one of the co-authors, wrote in an MSNBC opinion piece:
Rural populations who have suffered economically also lost faith in government, and keep electing Republicans who play on their fears and resentments but do little or nothing to address their very real problems. For his part, Trump is essentially running against democracy — and in the process, telling his most ardent rural supporters that they should discard their own tenuous commitments to the system that has sustained our nation for two and a half centuries. Unfortunately, too many rural whites are ready to believe him.
Did you know fewer than 1 in 5 Americans live in rural environs? The Census Bureau reports:
In general, rural areas are sparsely populated, have low housing density, and are far from urban centers. Urban areas make up only 3 percent of the entire land area of the country but are home to more than 80 percent of the population.
Those number don’t matter, the book’s authors say, because gerrymandering and the Electoral College have given rural voters outsized political power, which Team Blue believes is the only way to explain why people keep voting against them.
Sorry to say it, but the MSNBC interview (above) with the authors of “White Rural Rage” is nothing short of deranged (emphasis ours). Whether you like the Red Team (and its soon-to-be acclaimed leader, Trump) or hate it, launching into a screed against hardworking Americans — rural or urban — but particularly those rural Americans who ranch and farm and feed the nation is an invitation to self-inflicted holocaust. Insanity!
Speaking of insanity — have you seen the price of Bitcoin lately? All of a sudden this week, our email accounts were filled with a flurry of activity surrounding the major upward trajectory of the toast of the cryptocurrency world. Bitcoin looked to be gunning to break its all-time high of around $69,000 set back in November 2021.
Mark Jeftovic laid out the details for us in this brief explanatory piece:
Itching for just a tiny bit more insanity? Happy to oblige — this time from the “what was it all for?” file, courtesy of the Centers for Disease Control. As the Wall Street Journal reports:
You should now follow the same precautions with Covid as you take with the flu, according to new guidelines from the CDC. That means staying home until you’ve gone a day with no fever and improving symptoms. Take other precautions for the next five days, including wearing a mask and limiting close contact with others.
That’s right. All it took was a few years and multiple jabs to get the point where even the director of the CDC says:
“We know folks often don’t know what they have when they first get sick, so this will help them know what to do regardless,” said CDC Director Mandy Cohen during a call with journalists Friday.
There’s a lot of ‘know’ in that quote! Coming from someone supposedly in the know.
Best just say: “No.”
Here’s why “No” is worth adding to your vocabulary. In a brief but revealing Twitter thread yesterday, health influencer Chris Boettcher clearly explains how industry has been buying off scientists to warp research towards beneficial outcomes for decades.
For $65,000 each, these scientists helped promulgate a narrative that led to changes in dietary advice and resulted in a massive surge in Type II diabetes. “It’s estimated that 158 million deaths occurred in the US as a result of this manipulation,” Boettcher said.
When science is used as a tool to support a narrative, the results are diabolical. We don’t have to look back 60 years to recognize the pattern. The past four years should be enough for us all to be rising up in unison to take back science.
Collapse Life had a great conversation with
about this very subject on our podcast this week. Watch or listen in when you can.If you like what we’re doing here at Collapse Life, consider upgrading your subscription and supporting our work.
Thanks for reading - have a great week!
Thanks Zahra, great interview with Peter Grandlich, including some wonderful insights. What stayed for me: "Simplify everything. Get your house in order. Seek joy." Perfect!
It's not just rural folks who are losing / lost faith in government.