No jab? No problem. Let 'em eat mRNA!
If certain organizations have their way, mRNA medicine is headed directly to our dinner plates.
Private companies are leaving no stone unturned in the quest to put mRNA technology into your body, including using the very thing that sustains life: food.
From the Epoch Times (via ZeroHedge):
Shrimp have become the latest addition to a growing list of food sources targeted by mRNA gene therapy technology. An Israeli company seeking to bring mRNA vaccines to shrimp farming has raised $8.25 million from a group of venture capitalists to promote and improve animal health in marine species through its orally administered RNA-particle platform.
The article goes on to note that mRNA technology is already being used to control disease in pigs in the United States, although not currently in cattle.
“There’s no use in worrying about mRNA in cattle in the United States because we have a bigger issue,” says Texas Slim, who founded an organization called The Beef Initiative to allow consumers direct access to ranchers raising cattle using regenerative practices.
“Whenever you go to the supermarket, no matter where it is, tell me what country of origin that beef is from? Nobody can tell you. It’s not on the label. Until we know where the beef is coming from, you’re not going to know what’s in your beef.”
Organizations like the Ranchers-Cattlemen Action Legal Fund United Stockgrowers of America (R-CALF USA), a national, non-profit advocating for the continued profitability and viability of the U.S. cattle industry, are calling for the return of mandatory country of origin labeling (MCOOL) for beef.
Origin labeling was signed into U.S. law in 2002 but was repealed for beef and pork in 2015 because countries like Canada complained that it didn’t comply with World Trade Organization regulations. As we watch the breakdown of globalization, American organizations are fighting hard to reinstate this needed transparency.
“Consumers deserve the right to choose whether to consume beef from a country where mRNA injections are being given to cattle, and the only way they can have that choice is if Congress passes MCOOL for beef,” R-CALF USA said in a statement in April.
Efforts like The Beef Initiative allow consumers to know exactly where their food is coming from. All producers within the initiative pledge never to use mRNA technology, and to use only safe and natural methods to raise healthy animals for consumption.
Despite the well-intentioned and needed efforts by organizations like The Beef Initiative to increase ranchers’ direct-to-consumer relationships, the entire ranching industry is under attack by multinationals.
Thankfully, some public officials are putting American farmers and consumers first. This week, Representative Thomas Massie (R-KY) introduced an amendment to a budget bill, the Rural Development Budget H.R 4368, which ensures no government funds can be used to limit so-called ‘herd share’ arrangements. These are typically community-based schemes where shareholders have access to raw milk, meat, offal, and other products of a farmer’s livestock.
"Herd-share is the last legal means for consumers to buy locally raised grass-fed beef, directly from their nearest farm," Texas Slim said in a press release. "This is the last line of defense for decentralized cattle, farm-to-table, and we have the science to prove the closer our food is grown to our kitchen tables, the healthier it is for our bodies and our environment."
Massie also proposed an amendment that would prohibit government funds from being used for so-called ‘transgenic edible plant vaccines’. This is medical techno-speak for turning food into vaccines. Like a dystopian sci-fi movie, scientists are currently busy working to genetically alter plants so they produce mRNA vaccines that will then be consumed by humans and animals alike.
From Children’s Health Defense:
In an interview with The Defender, Massie said he introduced the amendment after learning about a recent project in California, funded by a $500,000 grant from the National Science Foundation, that involves growing lettuce and trying to get the lettuce to produce mRNA vaccines that are intended to be consumed by humans who eat the lettuces.
For decades, activists have fought against ‘frankenfoods’ and other genetically modified organisms that have stealthily made their way onto grocery store shelves and into a vast majority of processed and packaged foods. Now, with the threat of ‘mRNA everything’ hanging over us, it’s more important than ever to fight back against the biotech, pharma, and globalist forces who want to control all aspects of our lives.
In an upcoming podcast with Collapse Life, Texas Slim explains how we can do that:
How is this even the world we live in? LEAVE THE LETTUCE ALONE FFS!!!
Certain organizations should be SHUT down permanently. If not by government who is guilty by association to date, by We The People. Find them, Grind them.