Is America ready for non-linear warfare?
An interview with Dr. Crisanna Shackelford, Navy veteran and defense expert.
This weekend we celebrate Memorial Day — a day set aside to honor the US military personnel who died serving our nation. There’s much talk these days of whether we may again be headed to war, or in fact whether the whole world may be headed to war. Some say we are already in a global war, many people just don’t know it yet.
As we remember our fallen heroes, today’s podcast looks to the future and asks if America is prepared for the next conflict, and for non-linear warfare, which has massive ramifications for our way of life.
Our guest is Dr. Crisanna Shackelford, who has 32 years of active duty both in the Navy and in federal service with the Department of Defense. The author of
here on Substack, she is an expert in national security, intelligence, warfare, strategic planning, and public policy. She sat down with me for a gripping discussion on how warfare has changed, why it’s important to understand non-linearity and complexity, and how the US is not in the place it needs to be in a world with adversaries whose cultural and strategic outlook is helping them “soften the battlefield.”I had a lot of questions for her, and given how immensely complex this topic is, Dr. Shackelford does her best to share ways we can prepare and protect ourselves for what’s happening and what’s to come. I think you’ll agree that what she has to say is sobering and powerful. We’ll surely have a follow up conversation before too long.
In the meantime, enjoy the interview either on Rumble or on YouTube. And don’t forget to keep your chin up - it’s only collapse!